Surprising Statistic on Homeschooling in the United States

Homeschooling is a popular method that has become even more relevant during the global coronavirus pandemic. Many parents find this teaching technique very convenient, but it also has its drawbacks. If for you homeschooling is a great solution for your child, then you will be interested in knowing the statistics.

7 Surprising Facts about Homeschooling Statistics

Research shows that more and more children in America are home schooling every year. Some do not like the quality of education in public schools, others lack an individual approach, and some want to spend more time with their families. The child studies at home and studies materials online, and parents are responsible for his education. At the same time, you can study with tutors, relatives or in an online school. The choice of techniques is quite large; you can find a comparison here. Let’s take a look at 7 interesting statistics about homeschooling in the US.

  1. Homeschooling is legal in 50 states, meaning you have the right to homeschool your children wherever you live. Some states have stricter conditions, others simplify these requirements. You can find your state’s rules on the Home Legal Defense Association website. But the most demanding states are New York, Rhode Island and also Vermont.
  2. American statistics showed that over the past couple of years, about 300 million people around the world have switched to homeschooling. Of course, such a rapid jump in indicators was associated with a pandemic, but many parents left their children on such a learning technique. But some states require regular checks on children’s knowledge to make sure that their knowledge matches that of children in a traditional school.
  3. When the pandemic began, many parents were confused, they did not know what to do with their children at home and how to teach them if the school did not offer online classes. Parents in a panic began to look for virtual schools or video lessons that would be suitable for each child. Facts have shown that in North Carolina, due to extremely high traffic, the government’s homeschool registration site crashed. It was a real shock because the parents were looking for all kinds of ways in Google.
  4. According to the study, more than 90% of graduates who studied at home are very satisfied with this method and the knowledge they received. You may think that homeschooling cannot be of high quality, but it is not. Many individual lessons give excellent results. Another plus, for example, is that you can always help your child by answering his questions. If the training is for adults, then they can find individual lessons with an authentic approach exactly with their level of knowledge. One such high impact approach is
  5. Examinations and tests have shown that people who studied at home have above average scores. Therefore, you do not need to think that such a technique is ineffective. Most educational articles state that the average grade range is between 65 and 80 percent. Of course, here we are talking about responsible students who liked to study and who took this issue seriously. American students are responsible because homeschooling is effective and saves a lot of money.
  6. Have you thought about what chances you have to go to college or university after home schooling? You think that the chances are small because many members of the selection committee are sure that your knowledge is not enough. But it’s not. Nearly 63% of admissions committee members are positively disposed towards homeschooled students because they feel they are better prepared. In their opinion, at school, students have more things to distract themselves; at home, students are better focused and gain more knowledge.
  7. Statistics showed that 66.7% of students who studied at home successfully graduate from college. Are you surprised? It’s a good fact to be surprised because only 57.5% of public school students graduate.


Having studied such facts from statistics, we can conclude that homeschooling is in no way inferior to schooling. The quality of education does not depend on the place, but on the attitude of the student, on his desire, attentiveness, diligence, motivation and, of course, on the teaching technique. There are many virtual platforms that offer full-fledged lessons in any science and for any age category.

If you are ready to devote a certain amount of time to study, then you can study at home, in a more pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. Looking at such statistics, we can say that home schooling does not scare the members of the selection committee and does not mean that the quality of your knowledge is low. It’s a hot topic right now, so many universities and colleges are reacting well because it’s important for them to test your knowledge and not the way you got it.

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