Valentine’s Day Games For Kids

Valentine’s Day games for kids

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and if you are supposed to host a party for young kids on that day then you better think of some Valentine’s Day games for kids soon. We have included a few Valentines’ day games for kids in this article to give you an idea of what you can do too. So hurry up, decide and bring supplies for Valentine’s Day games for kids.

Fun Valentine’s Day Games for Kids

1.      You have heard of “Pin the Tail to the Donkey” right? Well, how about altering this fun game for Valentine’s? You can replace the tail with a heart cut-out and the donkey for the cupid. Ask each participant to pin the heart to the cupid’s arrow when he is blindfolded. This is sure to be a fun choice from the many Valentine’s Day games for kids.

2.       If you are looking for simple Valentine’s Day games for kids, then this is for you. Buy a pack of red, white and pink heart shaped balloons. Take the time to inflate them a day prior to the Valentine’s Day. Gather all the kids in the center of the room and give them each a heart balloon. Ask them to write their names on the balloons with a soft-tip marker. When you blow the whistle, each kid will have to throw the balloon in the air and do his/her best to keep it there. Kids will enjoy bumping into each other while they keep their balloon afloat.

3.       Valentine Fishing is another favorite of kids from the various Valentine’s Day games for kids. Cut out simple hearts from red and pink chart paper. Add eyes and scales so that the hearts resemble the shape of a fish. Attach tiny magnets to the fish bodies and spread them over the rug in the center of the room. Hand a toy fishing pole with magnet at the end to each of the kids. When the time starts, each kid will have to pick as many heart fishes as possible.

4.       If you are still looking for more Valentine’s Day games for kids, then here is one more. Cut out large heart shapes from single colored chart papers. When this is done, cut each of them down the center in varying patterns, so that the half of one does not match with the half of another heart. Hide one half of each heart in the room and hand out their remaining halves to the kids. The object of the game is to find the correct half as soon as possible.

So, what do you think of the Valentine’s Day games for kids that we have collected for you? If you like these or want to suggest more, don’t forget to comment below.

Photo Credits: Background image Folk Heart Pattern Background by Yana Ray

5 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Games For Kids

  1. These games are really cute 🙂 And if you’re having a wild Valentine’s Day party (after the kids are in bed) these also make great games to play when everyone’s drunk

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