How to Fight Depression in College: Ultimate Guide

Studying in college is interesting, but sometimes you may feel tired and lonely. Many students suffer from depression. Depression is accompanied by sadness, guilt, a change in appetite or sleep patterns, inability to concentrate, etc. If you encounter depression while you are in college, you need to take steps to alleviate symptoms and deal with stress effectively.

Try to Sleep More

Sleep is essential for mental and physical health, and lack of sleep can aggravate depression. In college, there is not always the opportunity to sleep. Young people need 7–9 hours of sleep every night for optimal body function. Plan your sleep time just like you plan your class preparation and other things. Try to keep a constant sleep pattern. For this, go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

Before going to bed, there should be time to relax. Try to do something calm. For example, you can read a book, take a warm shower, or meditate. Try not to use your phone and computer just before bedtime, as the screen backlight activates consciousness and prevents you from falling asleep.

Do Not Overload Yourself

When you have to find time for classes, homework, meetings with friends and social events, it is no wonder to feel tired. If you also have family or work obligations, then student life can become completely unbearable. If you are not coping with the workload, discuss with your supervisor or curator the ability to change the schedule. Or you can address an expert writing service to buy custom college papers online to be less overloaded.

Stick to a Healthy Diet

The right foods will help you improve your mood, focus and sleep harder. It is also important to avoid foods and drinks that increase the symptoms of depression. Choose foods rich in vitamin B12 and folic acid: lentils, almonds, spinach, chicken and fish. It is important to get the right amount of vitamin D, which is found in milk, juices, or breakfast cereals.

Eat more fish or foods that contain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Avoid foods high in refined sugar: sweet desserts and sodas. Also, limit your intake of caffeinated drinks. It is able to temporarily charge you with energy, but at the same time disrupt sleep patterns and increase excitement or irritability.


Training stimulates the brain to release chemicals that promote a good mood. Your self-esteem rises and there is an opportunity to escape from everyday stress. Every week, find time for physical education. Even 30 minutes 3 days a week will help relieve symptoms of depression. You can choose activities that you like. For example, engage in team sports with friends, go to the gym, walk, etc.

Find Time For Your Favorite Activities

Every week, take the time to have fun and socialize. Pleasant activities improve your mood and ultimately increase your effectiveness. Try to find at least an hour every night for dinner or meetings with friends.

Make a Schedule

The workload will become more feasible if you add an element of organization to it. Make a routine and clearly indicate where you need to be and what you should do at a particular point in time every day of the week.

Keep Track of Important Dates and Deadlines

Record them in a calendar, diary, or use programs like Google Calendar so you don’t forget about all your affairs. Doing this, you can prepare for important events and tasks in advance.


Every week, find an opportunity to analyze your affairs to identify priorities and commitments that will take most of the time. Make a plan that will allow you to complete the most important tasks first, and then move on to simple and less important tasks. Consider listening to the AdultFluent podcast on Anchor, Spotify or Apple Podcasts for more tips on essential life skills during your college years.

Take Breaks and Control the Pace

Continuing to work in moments of severe fatigue or problems with concentration is ineffective. If you are tired or constantly distracted, you should be distracted for a few minutes to walk and stretch your legs, eat something useful or even take a nap.


Meditation helps to relax and distract from anxious thoughts by focusing on the current moment in time. Find a quiet and peaceful place for meditation in which no one and nothing will disturb you. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Try to focus only on breathing. If thoughts begin to wander, gently return to breathing. After some time, evaluate your mental and physical sensations. Try to accept your feelings without judgment.

Consult a Psychologist

If you suffer from depression in college or are experiencing a difficult period, then a specialist will help you find ways to cope with the problem or tell who you should contact for support. If you do not know how to get a consultation, contact your supervisor. Tell your psychologist about previous cases of depression and treatment options.

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