Top 10 Favorite Quotes from Reign to Read Now

Looking for the best Reign quotes? Check out 10 of our favorites from this awesomely historical TV show on the CW!

Looking for the best Reign quotes? Check out 10 of our favorites from this awesomely historical TV show on the CW!


Reign is a historical fantasy romance television series, that airs on The CW. The series premiered on October 17, 2013. It was announced on December 7, 2016, that season 4, premiering on February 10, 2017, will be the final season of Reign. The series showcases the early life of Mary, Queen of Scotland. Here are some of the best quotes from season 1 of Reign.

Top 10 Favorite Reign Quotes from Season 1 & 3

1- Episode 9 – For King and Country

Conversation between Queen Catherine and Prince Francis:

Catherine- “I wouldn’t dare.”

Francis- “Yes you would. You’d kill everyone in this room to get me on the throne. To protect me. In hope that I would then protect you. But my first order as King would be to execute you if you were to harm anyone here. My brother, my father, Mary. This has to stop.”


2- Episode 10- Sacrifice

Conversation between Queen Mary and Queen Catherine:

Mary- “So, you are going to continue with your attempts on Bash?”

Catherine- “Mary, sweet Mary. I don’t attempt to do anything. I do it.”

Mary Stuart is the Queen of Scotland, while Catherine de’ Medici is the Queen of France.

3- Episode 11- Inquisition


Conversation between Lady Kenna and King Henry:

Kenna- “Catherine tried to poison me once. You can tell them that part in court.”

Henry- “No one cares Kenna!”

Kenna- “But that part’s true!”


4- Episode 20- Higher Ground


Conversation between Prince Francis and Leith Bayard:

Francis- “A wise man once told me, yesterday as a matter of fact, that we fight for those that we love. I’m just like you. I want to go home. There must be someone that you’ll fight to see again.”

Leith- “There’s a woman. But it could never work.”


5- Episode 22- Slaughter of Innocence


Conversation between King Henry and Prince Francis:

Henry- “Francis, what have you come to say to me? Must we right, every wrong?”

Francis- “I’m not sure what you mean father.”

Henry- “Oh it’s you…Did I tell you, you were named after my elder brother? He was to be king, he feared the job. The giving and taking of lives to the cause…He was you in that way too…I thought him weak. i knew I would be a better king…It was a competition all along. Such games we play agent though we love. I won it all. On a tennis court of all places. When he collapsed, a friend poisoned his water.”

Francis- “You killed your brother?”

Henry- “No one ever knew.”

Francis- “Now I know why you, warned me against my brother. Turned me against Sebastian.”

Henry- “Betraying someone you love, it blackens your soul! It’s a weight you carry, all of your days! Can I let it go now?”

King Henry is on his deathbed, after being wounded by Prince Francis, the son of King Henry and Queen Catherine, in a jousting match.


Season 3 Quotes

6- Episode 5- In a Clearing

Conversation between Queen Mary and King Francis:

Mary- “I always knew we would be wed. Even when I first returned.”

Francis- “Did you now?”

Mary- “Ever since I caught your eye, watching me dance with my ladies at your sister’s wedding. Feather’s falling from nowhere.”

Francis- “Well, I’m sure my mother ordered them.”

In this episode, King Francis dies in Queen Mary’s arms, after he rescues Mary after she was kidnapped by a group of bandits.


7- Episode 9- Wedlock

Conversation between Queen Mary and Lady Greer:

Mary- “I am a queen, about to marry a broken Prince for power.”

Greer- “You’re also a widow. Grieving the man you truly loved.”

Lady Greer is one of Queen Mary’s handmaidens. Mary is getting set to marry Don Carlos, Prince of Asturias.


8- Episode 11- Succession

Conversation between Sebastian and Queen Catherine:

Sebastian- “The butcher still insists on his innocence.”

Catherine- “As all men do before they swing.”

The castle’s butcher is hanged, after he was accused of murdering people, but it was later revealed that Christophe was actually the murderer.

9- Episode 15- Safe Passage

Conversation between Queen Elizabeth and Lady Lola:

Elizabeth- “Perhaps it better to outright refuse him. Be brutal and direct.”

Lola- “Or you could simply not answer. If you refuse John Knox as you suggest, it tells him you are a decisive and formidable ruler who will not be bullied.”

Elizabeth- “Which I am.”

Lola- “Which is what he really hates. So, stall. Avoid a decision he can rally agent. Let him think you are indecisive, inoxcus.”

Elizabeth- “Feminine.”

Lola- “Tell him you need to consult with your advisors, search your heats and read the scriptures, -he’ll like that part!”


10- Episode 18- Spiders in a Jar

Conversation between Princess Claude and Leith Bayard:

Claude- “If you go on this mission, I’ll stop loving you.”

Leith- “You can do that. Just like that?”

Claude- “Yes. Ask anyone. I’m as fickle as they come.”

Leith- “I suppose that does change things. Before, I had reason to return home quickly and all in one piece.”

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