12 Excellent Tips on How to Be Eco-Friendly Even If You Live On Campus

College students are active in numerous movements that add value to their lives and the environment. They can improve their health by adopting simple ways to live an eco-friendly life. Although it might be challenging for so many reasons, every student living on campus has a responsibility to save the planet. Going green is not tricky since it involves daily activities that you can practice with discipline.

Follow the tips below and find out how to be eco-friendly on campus.

Water Usage

Students can learn ways to conserve water to avoid wastage. For instance, do not leave the taps running, take quick showers, and do laundry on specific days when you have a pile to save on water.

Also, students can drink tap water instead of spending money on buying bottled water, which they will eventually dispose of. If tap water is not safe in your campus, fetch from the free water dispensers around the college. Stay healthy by drinking lots of water and avoiding soft and carbonated drinks.

Paper and Plastic

College life entails using paper due to piles of assignments and research papers that must be printed and handed over to the tutor. Before getting the final copy, students end up having waste papers all over the pace. This can be avoided by editing and proofreading thoroughly before printing your assignment or term paper. You can always service an Essay Writer to save both paper and time.

When it comes to living in the dorm rooms, avoid using paper towels to promote eco-friendliness in your environment. Also, buy a few ceramics and get rid of paper plates and plastic utensils. Plastic pollution is harmful to your health and the environment.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Carbon dioxide emission to the environment occurs due to different activities. Students can reduce the carbon footprint in several ways.

  • Switching off the lights after use
  • Basking in the sun
  • Saving the electric lights on air conditioning by dressing appropriately
  • Using LED bulbs due to less consumption of electricity and affordability.
  • Adopting solar charging systems

Use Recycled Products

Buying recycled items that are eco-friendly promotes a clean environment and win students extra coins. For instance, purchasing second-hand books is more cost-effective than buying new ones.

Avoid Heat Appliances

Household appliances that use heat include clothes dryers, blow dryers, flat irons, among others. As much as you cannot avoid some appliances altogether, you can use them occasionally. For instance, the regular usage of the blow dryer damages your hair and wastes electricity. For clothes, students can practice air-drying to save power.

Disposing Trash

College students can take advantage of recycling facilities around campus as a way of practicing eco-friendly habits. Be conscious when shopping for items at the store to avoid wastage. For instance, students can buy rechargeable batteries rather than disposables to prevent air pollution through acidification.

Join an Eco-friendly Club

The campus is an exciting time for most students, and joining a positive movement may add a sense of purpose. They can help create awareness and educate other students or the local community on the benefits of going green. It will help you improve your lifestyle and adopt eco-friendly habits.

Furniture Rearrangement

Arranging furniture near the windows to improve natural lighting during the day is essential since it cuts down on electricity usage. The sun insulates the windows and enhances heating efficiency to avoid using heaters for warmth.

Walk or Cycle To Campus

Students with cars can opt to walk or cycle to reduce carbon emissions to the environment. It will save the planet as well as fuel on an everyday commute to campus. Encourage other students to take up the challenge of contributing to the environment.

Live Healthily

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle also includes healthy eating and exercising. Eating small portions reduces food wastage and prevents obesity. Ensure that you exercise regularly to keep fit for your mental and physical health.

Plant an Organic Garden

Another way of promoting healthy living is to plant a small organic garden around where you live on campus. It is a constructive idea that encourages students to eat fresh organic vegetables instead of buying take-out every night.

Participate in Eco-friendly Events

Most students have some free time after classes to pursue different interests. Getting involved in eco-friendly exercises, such as cleaning parks, energy-saving competition among fellow students, or other events, promote a healthy environment.

Ultimately, living green is a personal responsibility that students choose to adopt. It is simple and involves daily habits that impact the environment. You can research other ways to go green in college and change your lifestyle to promote an eco-friendly routine. One student can make a difference to save the planet and influence others to join the eco-friendly movement.


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