The Most Fun Large Group New Year’s Eve Party Games

 Looking for party games to start New Year's Eve off right? We've got a list of fun indoor games perfect for a large group before the clock strikes midnight!

I can’t wait to host a New Year’s Eve party this year, and finding fun games is first on my list! There always seems to be a long time between when we start the party, and when the balls drops at midnight. This year I’m going to be prepared for fun New Year’s eve party games. Just don’t laugh so hard that you miss midnight. Check out the ideas!

Related –> 5 Smashing New Year’s Eve Party Games

The Most Fun Large Group New Year’s Eve Party Games

Dance Like It’s The New Year

This one is a super funny holiday party game! Gather several empty tissues boxes, a bunch of ping pong balls and rope or belts. Slice two holes in the tissue box and attach the belt or rope to the tissues box. Add the ping pong balls into the tissues box. Attach the rope or belt around the game player’s waist. Repeat until all the players are ready to go. Turn on your favorite New Year’s playlist and have the contestants dance and try to shake the ping pong balls out of the tissue boxes. The first person to shake all the ping pong balls out of their box wins!

See The Future

The New Year is a great chance to start off fresh and make a few predictions for the coming year. Have your friends answer questions about what they think is going to happen. These can be answered altogether or individually and then read aloud! Here are some question ideas to get you started:

  • What type of movie will be the biggest summer blockbuster?
  • Who will win the Super Bowl?
  • What band will we hear too much of on the radio?
  • Who will star in the biggest TV show of the year?
  • What will be the best hairstyle of the next year?

Pass The New Year’s Hat

This is a simple game that only requires one item, a New Year’s themed hat! Have your guests sit in a circle, and one person puts on the New Year’s Hat. The person on their right must then take the hat off the first person’s head and place it on their own without using their hands. If they drop it, they are out. Play continues to the next person on the right until only one player is left. The person left wins the New Year’s Hat!

So which of these New Year’s Eve party games perfect for large groups are you going to play? We are playing all three at my party for sure! Tell me your favorite games down in the comments!

22 thoughts on “The Most Fun Large Group New Year’s Eve Party Games

  1. The hat game sounds like a great laugh, especially after a few drinks 🙂

  2. Such great game ideas! This holiday I think I will be ringing in the new years at home with my kids. Nothing too fancy.

  3. These look like great games! One of these years, I’m going to get around to hosting a party. For now, it’s just me, the hubbs, and the kids.

  4. What a great selection of games! I wish I was going to that party, lol! Wishing you all the best for Christmas and the New Year!

  5. LOL, the hat game is like musical chairs. Nicely done. 🙂

  6. The games sound like a lot of fun. I still have no idea what I want to do this NYE.

  7. Love this party games idea. I’m going to add the game pass the New Year’s hat for my guests. It sounds like lots of fun. Thanks so much!

  8. I love New Year party games! It’s awesome that you’re able to give us a list of ideas as I might be hosting this year! Thanks for this!

  9. I’d love to see the future with some friends! It would make for a great little New Year’s game!

  10. How fun are these party games! Makes me miss hosting parties in my home. I’m sure these are going to be huge hits at parties!

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