Hottest YA Summer Beach Reads for Teens

Looking for hot summer YA books to kick back with on the beach? Check out our best beach reading wish list for teens and start adding to your TBR pile!

Every parent wants to encourage their kid to read, and we have compiled the Best Beach Reading Wish List For Teens for you.  These books are hot this year in the young adult reading groups.  Not only are the full of fun and fantasy, there are some great life lessons in the pages of these books.  These are all excellent choices for your teenager to read this year as they lounge on the beach, head to the pool or simply hang out at home in the air conditioner.

Best Beach Reading Wish List For Teens

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Best Beach Reading Wish List For Teens: The Orphan Queen

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows:  This young adult novel by Jodi Meadows is full of “adventure, intrigue and romance”.  This is a great fantasy fiction novel for a teen to enjoy this year.  Jodi Meadows is a star in young adult fiction and this won’t disappoint.

I Was Here by Gayle Forman:  This book delves into the life of a young woman who loses her best friend to suicide.  In the midst of coping with her loss, she learns of many hidden secrets her friend kept from her.  A little mystery, a lot of learning and hint of romance make this a must read this summer.

Beach Reading Wish List for Teens: The Girl at Midnight

The Girl At Midnight by Melissa Gray:  This fantasy fiction appeals to the whimsical and those who love the Game Of Thrones.  An ancient people living under the city have feathers for hair and magical powers.  A fun and exciting tale sure to keep your teen at the edge of their seat!

The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury:  This tale of Twylla will leave you a bit afraid, yet intrigued.  A tale of royalty and spirtual law being broken leads to her change of life and role in her world.  A great fast paced read that will have you clamoring for the next installment.

Best Beach Reading Wish List For Teens: The StorySpinner

The Storyspinner by Becky Wallace:  Johanna lives in a fantasy world of dukes and games.  Her position in society is precarious, until she realizes it may be more than she ever imagined.  A story of intrigue, family and even a bit of adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

These books are just what your teens are looking for this summer.  They will be perfect for lazy afternoons and helping to jump start your kids imagination.  These books build the best beach reading wish list for teens for the summer of 2015!  New authors, beloved authors from past series and tons of adventure await your teen this year!

What is on your beach reading wish list for teens this summer? Tell us in the comments!

23 thoughts on “Hottest YA Summer Beach Reads for Teens

  1. That is a great list. Right now, my oldest is into mysteries, so he just bought a few 39 Clues books for the summer.

  2. This sounds like a great list for teens! I used to love books like “I was here” when I was younger, they helped me to kind of understand life from a different perspective. I definitely think that the more we expose our teens safely to other walks of life, the easier it is for them to be empathetic and supportive of others as they grow.

  3. I’m definitely adding the Storyspinner to my wish list. That looks like such a cool book. I Was Here looks like a good one too, although sad. I love summer reading!

  4. My teenagers don’t want to admit they like reading, but I know better ;-). Summer is the perfect time to allow long uninterrupted stretches for really getting into a good book. I might even join them!

  5. Every year I buy books for the grandkids so they have reading material for their summer vacation. I see quite a few books you have listed that they will love so I am going to check these out and see what my grand daughter thinks.

  6. I know a 15 year old who would love this list. She won’t be able to say she’s bored this summer with her nose in a good book!

  7. I have teen grandsons.My grandson’s like to read more sports oriented type books, when they read. I wish they loved reading a little more. Of my daughter’s 5 children, only 1 loves to read and he is in the second grade. I’m sure teenage girls would enjoy these books.
    I know some grown folks who would enjoy several of these books.

  8. I just had a discussion in the car with my Mom today where I finally told her (after 60 some odd years) that I do not like the books she reads so stop trying to get me to read them! She was upset but so be it–I like to read a lot as you all know–just not what she likes. So while selecting books for your kids try to find out what they like to read –check them out for sure- it may not be what you think!!

  9. Oh I think I want to read a lot of those myself! I sometimes read heavier stuff, but really I love more the YA light fun reading.

  10. Great list! I’m going to share these titles with my friends that have teens. I used to love reading on the beach with my son. It was a great time to connect.

  11. These sound like some pretty great picks for teens! I don’t have a teen but afew of these even sounds fun for me to read hehe 😉

  12. I’ve never heard of these before. The Girl At Midnight sounds like something I’d enjoy.

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