5 Fab Valentine’s Day Party Games for Your Squad

Looking for fun Valentine's Day party games? Check out 5 great ideas that your guests will love!

Looking for a few fun Valentine’s Day party games to liven up your bash? We’ve got you covered! We all know that the entertainment can make or break a party. While sometimes it’s fun to just hang out and blast good music, planning a few activities can go a long way to breaking the ice, especially if you’re inviting new friends along with your regular squad. These games are all easy and cheap to pull off (so you don’t have to empty your wallet to keep everyone engaged). Check them out!

Valentine’s Day Party Games

 Cookie/Cupcake Contest

When you invite guests to your party, ask them to bake sweet Valentine’s Day themed treats, like heart-shaped cookies or red and white cupcakes. On the night of the party, set out a bowl and some slips of paper so your guests can vote on their favorite throughout the evening.

Have everyone vote for their favorites in multiple categories, such as appearance and taste, to pick winners in each category. To make the contest even more fun, buy a few gift certificates for a local bake shop or supermarket to give out to the winner of each category.

Heart Treasure Hunt

Before anyone shows up for your party, hide toy or candy hearts throughout your house or yard. If you’re hiding candy outside, you may want to put it in plastic bags to keep it from getting wet or dirty. The more hearts you hide, the better. As your guests arrive, hand out small gift bags for them to collect hearts during the party. Whoever collects the most hearts throughout the party is the winner.

Who Am I?

To play this game, pass out index cards with celebrities’ names on them. To give the game more of a Valentine’s Day twist, try to stick with celebrities that have starred in romantic movies or TV shows.

Have your guests stick the cards to either their backs or foreheads with tape, so that everyone else can see their card, but they can’t. Then, have your guests ask other people questions to try to figure out what celebrity they have. If you want to keep the game going for a while, have each guest take another card once they guess who they have. Whoever guesses the most cards by the end of the game wins.

Celebrity Couple Match

Think you know who’s married to who in the celebrity world? To play this game, write the names of a few celebrities and their significant other on separate slips of paper. Then, mix up all of the slips, and see if your guests can correctly pick out each couple. You can either have all of your guests work together to pair up the celebrities, or split them up into teams to see who can match the most.

Printable Activities

There are a number of trivia and activity worksheets online that you can print out and hand out to guests at your party. While these may not be as engaging as playing other games together, they are quick and easy to fill out while you’re doing other things. Try to find a trivia worksheet or bingo game about one of your favorite romantic movies and have everyone fill them out while watching those movies.

These are just a few simple suggestions that don’t take much effort to put together. Even better, they won’t break the bank! There’s still time. Why not start planning your Valentine’s Day party today?

Do you have any favorite Valentine’s Day party games? Share in the comments!

9 thoughts on “5 Fab Valentine’s Day Party Games for Your Squad

  1. These are great! I’ve been kinda sad that Christmas is over, so it’s nice to think about another holiday to distract myself. Hahaha. Yes, I know. I’m crazy.

  2. I love those cupcakes. I am the room mom for my daughter’s class so I will have to share these ideas with the volunteers for the class party.

  3. Those kissing cupcakes are too cute! And I love the idea of bingo with conversation hearts.

  4. I like the idea of the heart scavenger hunt-it sounds like fun! Hearts BINGO sounds like a great way to have a good time also.

  5. So much fun! I love me a good game and this reminds me so much of elem school valentines parties!

  6. These sound like so much fun! I love a good game! We really don’t celebrate Valentine’s day much.

  7. These are terrific ways to enjoy Valentine’s Day at any age. I can’t believe we will be there in a few weeks. Time flies!

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