Five Cool Variations on Easter Egg Hunts

Looking for a new idea to engage kids at Easter? Check out these five very cool new variations on Easter egg hunts! They're perfect for toddlers to teens!

Easter is coming and kids of all ages will be looking forward to playing hide and seek with those colorful eggs that come with the season.

Are you looking for a few different ideas on the basic, traditional Easter egg hunts?

If so, check out these five variations for some inspiration.

Related: Five Great Ideas for Easter Games for Kids

Five Cool Variations on Easter Egg Hunts

Clue Hunt

Instead of turning the kids loose on a rampage to grab as many eggs as possible, create a trail of clues to make it more fun. Divide kids into teams then give each team a plastic egg that contains a clue. Each clue should lead to the next egg for that particular team. The teams have to work together to figure out the clues and find their particular eggs. The final egg and clue should lead the teams back to the starting point where each team will be given a basket of goodies to share.

Egg Assignments

Easter Egg Hunt 1

One problem that you often have with large egg hunts is that some kids pick up lots and lots of eggs while other kids aren’t able to get as many. Fix this problem by assigning each child a specific color or type of egg. You can decorate eggs with assorted stickers or numbers then assign each kids a number, color, or sticker to find. They will need to only pick of “their” eggs. Have fun with this by using stickers of favorite characters (Avengers, Frozen), animals, or other items (cars, smiley faces, etc.).

Hidden Prize Eggs

Create a certain number of special eggs that can be traded for special prizes. Use silver or gold eggs, or decorate and create your own. Have special prizes set aside for the kids that find the prize eggs. Prizes can be a candy basket, a gift card for a fast food joint, movie money, a free ice cream cone ticket, a DVD, or something else that would appeal to kids.

Charade Eggs

Fill some plastic eggs with slips of paper that provide instructions for actions or activities. After everyone has finished finding eggs, round everyone up for a fun game of charades using the instructions. You can also divide kids into two teams and the team that guesses the most actions wins a basket of candy to share or some other prize. You can also put the slips of paper into specific eggs then tell the hunters to only collect one of those particular eggs so everyone will end up with only one charade to do.

Steal the Eggs

This game is best for older kids. Instruct the kids that as they are picking up eggs they can steal one egg from someone else but if the person they are stealing from catches them, they have to give the egg back along with one of their eggs. This is a just for fun game that can elicit lots of giggles. After the hunt is finished, give a basket of candy to the kid with the most eggs — then instruct them to share with everyone else.

 Related: Cool Easter Party Games For Teens & Tweens

Easter egg hunts can be plenty of fun if you add a few variations here and there. Figure out what works with the age group you are dealing with then come up with a few ideas of your own!

Do you have any favorite variations on Easter egg hunts? Share in the comments!

7 thoughts on “Five Cool Variations on Easter Egg Hunts

  1. I really love this article! I am going to try the steal the egg game this year!

  2. I remember the hidden prize eggs from my childhood. That was so much fun. We referred to them as the Golden Eggs. Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. Thanks for the ideas. My grandmother always had a prize egg worth a silver dollar when I was a little girl. I used to cry and cry when I didn’t win.

  4. I really like this post , I think Id like to try the hidden prize eggs game !

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