Snow Day Boredom Busters: Indoor Games for Kids

Too cold to let kids go outside and play? Check out these fun indoor boredom buster snow day games for kids! Even you'll be doing the "let it snow" dance!

Snow days are great for catching up on projects around the house, but those days of being stuck inside are even better for game days. If it’s super cold and blustery outside, the kids won’t want to spend large amounts of time playing in the snow, so provide them with some fun snow day games inside! Check out a few of our favorite ideas to keep groups of kids busy! These games are perfect for siblings, or you can throw you own snow day party!

Exciting Snow Day Games for Indoors

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Snowball Fight

Hold an indoor snowball fight that won’t be frigid and won’t hurt anything. Prep for this ahead of time or take an hour before hand to let the kids help get it all together. You will need glue (hot glue or quick drying craft glue can save time) and a large number of cotton balls. Glue several cotton balls together to create a “snowball.” Make enough snowballs so there are plenty to go around. Only use a few cotton balls so the snowballs won’t be heavy enough to break anything, but still weighty enough to be thrown.

Table Hockey

Use a plastic peanut butter jar lid as a hockey puck and create your own rousing game of table hockey. Clear off the kitchen table and use your hands as paddles to bat the “puck” back and forth. Use a white board or chalkboard to keep score.

Broom Hockey

Snow Day Games for Kids

If you have a large enough floor space, this can be a fun and exciting game: Broom Hockey. This works best on a slick floor like in a kitchen (carpet, not so much!). You will need brooms or mops and a plastic “puck” (use that peanut butter jar lid again). Bat the puck back and forth like in a hockey game, just be careful not to get so wild that the puck goes flying up and around the kitchen.

Snowman Races

Remember those snowballs you made? Use them to hold snowman races or contests. Build a snowman with the snowballs and see who can build one the fastest, whose will stay up the longest, whose looks the most like a snowman, etc. This can be a fun project that will take on a life of its own.

Snow Birds

Use empty plastic bottles to create towers and other obstacles. Use the snowballs (again) to try to knock down the structures. This is a life size (sort of) version of “Angry Birds.” Try to see how intricate you can create the structures then take turns trying to knock them down.

Snow Bowling


Use the plastic bottles and snowballs to do snow bowling! Set up the bottles like bowling pines then take turns bowling with the snowballs. If the snowballs don’t provide enough excitement, find a small bouncy ball or wrap the snowballs with aluminum foil to give them more weight.

You can use snow days for quiet, calm games, or you can get the energy flowing with some exciting snow day games in the house! Either way, enjoy the time together and have fun.

Do you have any fun snow day games that you love to play with your kids? Share them in the comments!


5 thoughts on “Snow Day Boredom Busters: Indoor Games for Kids

  1. These are great ideas! We are always looking for indoor ideas for the kids.. especially when we are stuck inside on snow days. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas!

  2. We don’t have any special games, just the regular “hit your dad in the face with a snowball” type of stuff…

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