What Happened In Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 “The Broken Man”

It wasn't very long ago all of us though Jon Snow returning was intense, but then we saw what happened in Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 "The Broken Man." This episode is a sweepingly cinematic story that begins and ends with a warrior's return, but the plot definitely grows thicker elsewhere too as the battles wage on there is a very close call as one character cheats death. Click to relive what happened in Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 !

It wasn’t very long ago all of us though Jon Snow returning was intense, then we saw what happened in Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7  recap for “The Broken Man.” This episode is a sweepingly cinematic story that begins and ends with a warrior’s return, but the plot definitely grows thicker elsewhere too as the battles wage on there is a very close call as one character cheats death. See below for what happened in Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 recap!

What Happened In Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 Recap: “The Broken Man”

The Hound is alive and back for vengeance! The episode begins with viewing a group of people building some sort of structure and just before the title credits one of them turns around and ends up being the hound.

In King’s Landing, Margaery is reading about the gods when the High Sparrow arrives. The two start discussing theology for a brief a moment before they start discussing Margaery’s personal life. For now, Margaery is doing a fantastic of convincing the queen of her piety, mostly for now as a way to stay alive. Cersei approaches Olenna to try to convince her to fight against the High Sparrow. Olenna gives a harsh response ending with saying Cersei has lost and that she is leaving King’s Landing.

Related: What Happened In Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4 “The Book Of Stranger”

Jon Snow has some disagreements with a few of the Wildlings as a few of them disagree with fighting for Jon at Winterfell. After some time and a strong show of support from Tormund, they seem to change their minds and agree to fight alongside Jon.

Jamie and Flynn head with an army to reclaim the Riverlands. At the castle, there is a brief standoff that doesn’t really go as planned by the Frey’s army. Jamie establishes his dominance immediately with the present army attempting to claim the castle. Not long after, his army has set up camp while Jamie meets with Brynden, who currently has command of the castle. Jamie works to negotiate Brynden to surrender the castle although he refuses.


Jon Snow approaches the Bear Island asking for house Mormont support in fighting against Ramsey. Maege, Lady of Bear Island, with her young and snappy attitude refuses at first to support but after Davos spoke with her bringing up the White Walkers, she changes her mind and decides to lend support, although only 62 men. Jon continues to seek other houses to fight alongside him and gains no success with House Glover. At the camp, there is hostility between the wildlings and some of those from the south. Sansa sends a letter in secret from Jon.

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Theon and his sister take a pit stop at a brothel while on the run from their uncle. The discussion gets real when she tells Theon to pull himself together. She then reveals they are going to sail to Meereen and pledge allegiance to Daenerys.

The hound listens to the man who rescued him talk about his prior experiences when men on horseback arrive asking about the group. The hound continues to help out, cutting the wood.


In Braavos, Arya books passage back to Westeros. She is ambushed and repeatedly stabbed by The Waif before breaking away and fleeing into the water. We thought this might happen after last week’s episode 6. Arya manages to live, although is very injured and bleeding as she walks through Braavos. 


The group The Hound was staying with is ambushed and are all murdered.

Check out this great video I found that has more inside info about The Hound’s character, and the latest developments this episode!


That’s a wrap for this week! Were you surprised to see the Hound make a vengeful return? Tell us all your thoughts about what happened in Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 recap down in the comments!

Image Via Wikia

19 thoughts on “What Happened In Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7 “The Broken Man”

  1. This comment contains SPOILERS LOOK AWAY LOL: Ahhhhhhh!!!! Rose now you’re speaking my langauge!! The Hound is baaaack! (Queue grudge metal music) There’s going to be such glorious carnage next epi. Episode six killed me though. HODOR!!   never has a death stung so so much. I cant believe it. And why why do all the direwolves keep getting sacrificed it’s not fair. Kill the humans just leave those EPIC wolves out of it man. Damn you george, damn you. Cersei got a good dose of reality for what her actions have caused, I miss the old viper version of her haha.

  2. My daughter is hooked on Game of Thrones. I will share this post with her. She’s going to love it. I missed so many episodes myself and I need to do a lot of catching up.

  3. I’ve never seen this show, but I love reading all my FB friends reactions to each episode. Maybe one day I will check it out.

  4. This is a great recap. A lot of big plot developments this week. I think some big things will happen on Sunday.

  5. I have never watched this series, but I know a lot of people that absolutely love it and will never miss it. One of these days I’m going to check it out from the beginning on-demand.

  6. It’s very exciting as the season heads to a close! I can’t believe The Hound is back and I hope he plays a huge part in all of this. I’m also curious about who Sansa wrote to. Could it be Littlefinger?

  7. I plan on watching game of thrones soon with my husband. Is it so bad that I have never seen it?

  8. I am still not seeing this show but I hear lot of good things about it. I would love to see it, thanks for the recap.

  9. Based from what I’ve heard, Episode 7 was “okay”. I still haven’t even gone past the realization that Jon is really alive, maybe I was really deeply stricken with his fake death, haha. And yes, Hodor was just…sad, people won’t be able to forget him even for months.

  10. I haven’t seen Games of Throne yet but I am looking forward to see the show. Maybe, I’ll dedicate a day for it.

  11. I don’t watch Game of Thrones but love the comments of those that do. How great to see those commenting add spoiler alerts. Some shows develop such followings that it builds a connection between those that watch it even if they don’t know each other personally.

  12. I have never actually watched this show before. I hear so many great things about it though. I may have to sit down and watch an episode to see how it is.

  13. I don’t personally watch very much television. I have heard others talking about this show. I might have to start from the beginning and watch it.

  14. never seen this show, yet I keep seeing reviews form mhy various Social media friends and bloggy freinds and it sounds super fun 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  15. We have Netflix at home & I love watching different shows. I have watched “Game of Thrones” before, but could not catch up with the latest episodes with my busy tasks. A wonderful recap to bring the storyline in mind.

  16. Game of Thrones has been something that I have been meaning to watch but can just never find the time! I really need to start in on it.

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